Monday, March 12, 2012

Qutieland Order Received!

So back in December, I ordered a Dear Celine blouse, a Dream of Lolita JSK, and a Loris bag the Qutieland shopping service. It took almost 3 whole months, but my package finally arrived today! I was so excited that I forgot to take any pictures, but here's some pics of the actual items:

I am so freaking excited. *______* Totes wearing this outfit, plus my pink tea parties and some socks or something, to Animazement in May!! <3 By the way, the JSK's supposed to be lavender, but it looks really pink with the super-yellow lighting in my room.

--Signing off~♫

Friday, February 24, 2012

Well, I finally watched Tiger and Bunny....

...and I loved it. It was magical. And pretty. And somewhat gay. And that's all that matters. :I

Although, I must admit, I surprised myself by not immediately trying to pair up Kotetsu and Barnaby. 8O I mean, I guess it's because, you know, Kotetsu has a kid, and his wife just died a few years ago, and Barnaby's all emotionally unstable and stuff. D: I really don't think he's ready to be in a serious relationship just yet. But then again, what the hell do I know about it? XD;;; To be perfectly honest, I just see the two of them as fuck-buddies rather than actual lovers. You know, friends with benefits. ;D Kufufufu~

Also, I've got to get a move on with my Loli!Drocell cosplay, not to mention start on that dang Kaitopillar and Fem!Germany. ;AAAAAAAA; So many costumes, so little time! /sobbu

Omg, the other day I saw a couple of clips from the Black Butler II dub. *_______________* I just cannot even. Dammit Luci, why is your male voice so freaking adorable?? ;A; Seriously, I just want to jump through the screen of my monitor and tackle her cockney-ish!Alois! And don't even get me started on Claude's voice. Mmmm-mm. Me ha gustado~ *u*

Finally, I've started reading The Sound and the Fury for AP English. @_______@ I'm usually completely against book burning, but I think I might have to make an exception for this monstrosity. That's all I'mma say about it.

--Signing off~♪

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fabric and fabric and fabric...

Hey there, you guys~ I've been itching to make a dress for quite a while now, and I'm still not quite sure which fabric I should get. :'D I'm thinking about making something really simple and classic and Innocent World-y, which is totally fine because I've never been good at details anyway (like, a waist bow and a ruffle around the bottom are about all I can manage).

My top 5 choices are (all from, btw):

Michael Miller Night Flower Fairies Double Border Stripe Nite Blue

Michael Miller Golden Angel Gabriella Black

Ye Olde Christmas Stripe Red/Green

To be honest, I'm reeeeaallllyyy leaning toward the second one, but I've always wanted to make a Christmas dress, and I freaking love border, diamond, and fleur-de-lis prints. And of course I have neither the time nor the money to make dresses from all five. *______* Decisions, decisions!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Poupee Girl.... really freaking addictive. D: Just sayin'.

Also, I have found my dream dress! ;^; Innocent World's Heart Rose shirring JSK in pink!

Isn't it gorgeous!? ;A; Of course, I probably only like it this much because it would actually fit me (assuming the measurements given on the site are correct). I mean, according to IW, the bust can stretch up to 119 cm, and the waist, 109 cm. And I'm not even that big! :D I think I'm gonna faint. Except not really.

Another awesome dress that I'm going to look for when I go to Paris this summer is Alice and the Pirates' Misty Night Royal Game JSK (the one with the vest-ish bodice) in green. c:

It's not as big as the one above, but I'm trying to lose some weight anyway, so it should be okay~ According to AatP, it'll stretch up to 113 cm in the bust, which is just a couple of centimeters smaller than I am, but like I said......I just need to play tennis more often and I should be good. I mean, I've found that it's really easy for me to lose weight once I actually get serious about it, but I'm just too damn lazy~ /sobbu D: Oh well, I just need to get on myself about it more. Need to get in shape for marching band next year!

Also, I think I'm starting to get back into classic lolita~ I mean, for the past couple of months, I'd been obsessing over Angelic Pretty and fairy-kei and super-deco'd stuff, but now I'm just kinda meh about it. I'm sure my parents aren't too upset about that (I really don't think they like the super sweet stuff, anyway - too jailbait-ish, which is weird because I'm 18 and therefore cannot qualify as jailbait anymore). Yeah~

Oh, and you all, feel free to friend me on Poupee Girl! :D My username is shiro-hime~ Toodles~!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Let's get this show on the road~

Well, here's the second (or possibly third) blog I've made. Maybe this one will actually stay afloat. D: Ha ha ha, doubtful.

Also, Merry Christmas Eve. Just thought I'd say that before I leave for my aunt's house~ :D Yay, presents and food!