...I despise some of the things she does. Like the following, for instance.
Right, so we're having a pre-spring break party/Easter egg hunt in Calculus tomorrow. I kinda decided that I wanted to wear my Happy Garden JSK to school to celebrate. Nothing too fancy, not even a petticoat, just the dress with a cute bolero, some sandals, and maybe a tiny headband. Except I forgot that I don't own any white sandals anymore, so I would have had to wear my tea parties instead, but I really didn't want to wear my tea parties cos they're a little too childish for school in my opinion, but I digress.
Anyway, I got home and was trying to figure out which pair of shoes to wear when I asked my mom if she had any white shoes. She said no (dammit!) and then asked me why, so I told her what I planned to wear tomorrow.
She gave me this really simpering look, like she thought I was retarded, and said, "Really? Why would you wear that to school?"
"Uh................(it was a really long pause, lol)........why......not?" I really couldn't think of a reason not to (except that I didn't have any white shoes). D:
And then she pulled out the big guns. "Do you really want people laughing at you all day?" Again with the 'oh you poor retard' look. I mean, she knows I have self-esteem issues from constant bullying when I was younger, so why is she being such a bitch about it? And why did she buy the dress for me in the first place if she thought it looked stupid? Was she the one laughing at me? Was her comment actually just her projecting her own feelings onto my classmates?
I mean, I've worn lolita to school more than once. Each time, I got a bunch of compliments from both students and teachers, so unless they were only saying they liked what I was wearing so I would wear it more often and they could laugh at me some more, I'm guessing I pulled it off pretty well.
I ought to just wear the damn thing anyway, except with that pink blouse, those tea parties, that hair bow, and all those detachable ribbons. And rhinestones. That'll show her.