Monday, December 10, 2012

Long time, no post~ :D;;

Dude, this thing has been DEAD the past year. ;A; I'mma have to do something about that~

Well, in the past 6 or so months, I've gone to Animazement in Raleigh, graduated from high school, gone to Europe, and nearly finished my first semester of college. :I Yup, that's about it. Have a Christmas list.

...I think I'm starting to settle into gothic lolita, or at least very dark classic. :/ Which is probably a good thing, cos black is so much more flattering on me than, you know, cotton candy pastel rainbow uguuuu crap. Probably gonna sell my sweeter clothes, though I might keep the Happy Garden JSK~ I love holiday-themed dresses. :D Oh, which reminds me!

Tada! Ah maaaade it mahself~ :3 It's supposed to be inspired by Juliet et Justine's painting dresses, if you couldn't tell, which you probably couldn't. D: This isn't the best picture ever, but it's the best I could do! My dressform is too fat for this, even though it's a little loose on me. ;AAAAAAA; Oh, and I got a dressform for Christmas! Well, it was supposed to be for Christmas, but my dad went ahead and set it up, so whatever~ Of course, this means I'll only have like one thing to open up Christmas morning! ;n; (It's Abraham Lincoln, 
Vampire Hunter on DVD, by the way~ Love that movie! <3) Cos there's no way I can order the two above items with custom sizing and they be here before the 25th. /sobbu Oh, and I have discovered that this dress has a totally different feel with a belt! With a belt, it's a bit more modern, retro, rockabilly-ish, while without one, it's more elegant, almost ballerina-ish~ >u< Totally a fluke, but I'm glad it turned out that way!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

I love my mom to death, but... (WARNING: EXTREME MELODRAMA)

...I despise some of the things she does. Like the following, for instance.

Right, so we're having a pre-spring break party/Easter egg hunt in Calculus tomorrow. I kinda decided that I wanted to wear my Happy Garden JSK to school to celebrate. Nothing too fancy, not even a petticoat, just the dress with a cute bolero, some sandals, and maybe a tiny headband. Except I forgot that I don't own any white sandals anymore, so I would have had to wear my tea parties instead, but I really didn't want to wear my tea parties cos they're a little too childish for school in my opinion, but I digress.

Anyway, I got home and was trying to figure out which pair of shoes to wear when I asked my mom if she had any white shoes. She said no (dammit!) and then asked me why, so I told her what I planned to wear tomorrow.

She gave me this really simpering look, like she thought I was retarded, and said, "Really? Why would you wear that to school?"

"Uh................(it was a really long pause, lol)........why......not?" I really couldn't think of a reason not to (except that I didn't have any white shoes). D:

And then she pulled out the big guns. "Do you really want people laughing at you all day?" Again with the 'oh you poor retard' look. I mean, she knows I have self-esteem issues from constant bullying when I was younger, so why is she being such a bitch about it? And why did she buy the dress for me in the first place if she thought it looked stupid? Was she the one laughing at me? Was her comment actually just her projecting her own feelings onto my classmates?

I mean, I've worn lolita to school more than once. Each time, I got a bunch of compliments from both students and teachers, so unless they were only saying they liked what I was wearing so I would wear it more often and they could laugh at me some more, I'm guessing I pulled it off pretty well.

I ought to just wear the damn thing anyway, except with that pink blouse, those tea parties, that hair bow, and all those detachable ribbons. And rhinestones. That'll show her.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Qutieland Order Received!

So back in December, I ordered a Dear Celine blouse, a Dream of Lolita JSK, and a Loris bag the Qutieland shopping service. It took almost 3 whole months, but my package finally arrived today! I was so excited that I forgot to take any pictures, but here's some pics of the actual items:

I am so freaking excited. *______* Totes wearing this outfit, plus my pink tea parties and some socks or something, to Animazement in May!! <3 By the way, the JSK's supposed to be lavender, but it looks really pink with the super-yellow lighting in my room.

--Signing off~♫

Friday, February 24, 2012

Well, I finally watched Tiger and Bunny....

...and I loved it. It was magical. And pretty. And somewhat gay. And that's all that matters. :I

Although, I must admit, I surprised myself by not immediately trying to pair up Kotetsu and Barnaby. 8O I mean, I guess it's because, you know, Kotetsu has a kid, and his wife just died a few years ago, and Barnaby's all emotionally unstable and stuff. D: I really don't think he's ready to be in a serious relationship just yet. But then again, what the hell do I know about it? XD;;; To be perfectly honest, I just see the two of them as fuck-buddies rather than actual lovers. You know, friends with benefits. ;D Kufufufu~

Also, I've got to get a move on with my Loli!Drocell cosplay, not to mention start on that dang Kaitopillar and Fem!Germany. ;AAAAAAAA; So many costumes, so little time! /sobbu

Omg, the other day I saw a couple of clips from the Black Butler II dub. *_______________* I just cannot even. Dammit Luci, why is your male voice so freaking adorable?? ;A; Seriously, I just want to jump through the screen of my monitor and tackle her cockney-ish!Alois! And don't even get me started on Claude's voice. Mmmm-mm. Me ha gustado~ *u*

Finally, I've started reading The Sound and the Fury for AP English. @_______@ I'm usually completely against book burning, but I think I might have to make an exception for this monstrosity. That's all I'mma say about it.

--Signing off~♪

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Fabric and fabric and fabric...

Hey there, you guys~ I've been itching to make a dress for quite a while now, and I'm still not quite sure which fabric I should get. :'D I'm thinking about making something really simple and classic and Innocent World-y, which is totally fine because I've never been good at details anyway (like, a waist bow and a ruffle around the bottom are about all I can manage).

My top 5 choices are (all from, btw):

Michael Miller Night Flower Fairies Double Border Stripe Nite Blue

Michael Miller Golden Angel Gabriella Black

Ye Olde Christmas Stripe Red/Green

To be honest, I'm reeeeaallllyyy leaning toward the second one, but I've always wanted to make a Christmas dress, and I freaking love border, diamond, and fleur-de-lis prints. And of course I have neither the time nor the money to make dresses from all five. *______* Decisions, decisions!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Poupee Girl.... really freaking addictive. D: Just sayin'.

Also, I have found my dream dress! ;^; Innocent World's Heart Rose shirring JSK in pink!

Isn't it gorgeous!? ;A; Of course, I probably only like it this much because it would actually fit me (assuming the measurements given on the site are correct). I mean, according to IW, the bust can stretch up to 119 cm, and the waist, 109 cm. And I'm not even that big! :D I think I'm gonna faint. Except not really.

Another awesome dress that I'm going to look for when I go to Paris this summer is Alice and the Pirates' Misty Night Royal Game JSK (the one with the vest-ish bodice) in green. c:

It's not as big as the one above, but I'm trying to lose some weight anyway, so it should be okay~ According to AatP, it'll stretch up to 113 cm in the bust, which is just a couple of centimeters smaller than I am, but like I said......I just need to play tennis more often and I should be good. I mean, I've found that it's really easy for me to lose weight once I actually get serious about it, but I'm just too damn lazy~ /sobbu D: Oh well, I just need to get on myself about it more. Need to get in shape for marching band next year!

Also, I think I'm starting to get back into classic lolita~ I mean, for the past couple of months, I'd been obsessing over Angelic Pretty and fairy-kei and super-deco'd stuff, but now I'm just kinda meh about it. I'm sure my parents aren't too upset about that (I really don't think they like the super sweet stuff, anyway - too jailbait-ish, which is weird because I'm 18 and therefore cannot qualify as jailbait anymore). Yeah~

Oh, and you all, feel free to friend me on Poupee Girl! :D My username is shiro-hime~ Toodles~!